Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Night and Day, Day and Night

So....our sweet little Kaiya has become quite a party animal. This is a relief to us, as she was such a sleepy, sleepy baby the first few weeks. (This is the polar opposite of Brayden as an infant and even now. He has NEVER wanted to go to sleep!) Unfortunately Kaiya has decided to enjoy her awake time primarily at night! The other night in an attempt to dissuade her from this fun but tiring routine, I shut off the lights and proceeded to quietly ignore her. After a few minutes of avoiding eye contact I couldn't stand it anymore. Was she asleep? Sad? I snuck a look at this beautiful baby, and was promptly rewarded with a huge smile! Her eyes were so sparkly I could see her joy in the dark! Since I apparently have NO willpower, I have engaged in a new tactic today - do my best to wake and keep Kaiya up after reasonable naps during the day. So far so good...we'll see how it goes tonight!

Friday, November 14, 2008

My First Post

I'm creating this in an effort to connect with family and friends near and far. Hopefully this will be the official location of pictures and updates on our family. Kaiya is already growing and changing, and we want those loved ones who want to stay close to be able to do so! Just want you to know we love and miss each one of you.

Kaiya is almost one month old! I can barely believe that so many days have gone by. It's honestly been such a joy and privilege to care for her. I remember Chand's dad saying to me in the early days "it's a lot of work, isn't it?" and my reply "work? This isn't work." I couldn't express enough just how much this is NOT work for me, instead it is one of the most intense, joyful, delicious times of my life! Of course I understand what he meant - the serious lack of sleep, the total dedication to Kaiya's needs over my own.... yet each moment is a treasure to me. I could look at, talk to, sing to, hold, and memorize this baby girl constantly and still not get enough of her. I remember feeling this way with Brayden, too, and I know all too well how time flies. Before you know it they're off doing their own thing, and those sweet moments are few and far between.

Chand is an awesome dad. He is SO attentive and concerned about her well-being! Many nights during those wee hour diaper changes and feedings he can be heard asking if she's okay and comforting her after the tiniest of squeaks! Oh no, he's already wrapped around her little finger! This week Kaiya has begun smiling at us, and Chand just eats it up! (As we all do!)

Brayden is a wonderful big brother. He is more over-protective than I am! I have to tell him to relax and enjoy her! Brayden can be counted on to hold, entertain, and comfort his sister any time, regardless of his own plans. Most evenings Brayden can be found watching over his sister while I escape to a brief shower. He is patient, loving, and just great with her. He has exceeded my expectations.

Kaiya is a happy, snuggly baby. Right now her favorite things besides us are a very cool paper lamp, any fan, and this textured sound-proofing foam hanging in our room. She loves dancing, music, and of course, having all attention on her! She can be heard squawking if I talk on the phone, or if Dad and I have adult conversation instead of focusing solely on her! She makes the cutest grumpus face, her smile lights up the room, and she loves to hold out her arms like Superwoman during burpings. She does this so enthusiastically there is now a "Super Kaiya" song that can be heard upon command!

This has been one of the best months of my life, and it is just the beginning of a wonderful adventure for us all! For the daughter I never believed I would have, I am eternally grateful. It is beautiful to see how this addition has enriched all of the relationships in our household and family.

Thank you to all of you who have offered support, gifts, advice, and love to us!